Product Highlight: Cobham Explorer 8100

About the Cobham EXPLORER 8100
1.0m Stabilized, Auto-Acquire, Drive-Away Antenna System

The Cobham EXPLORER 8100 provides a unique Dynamic Pointing Correction technology and an advanced carbon fiber reflector that makes for the most advanced Auto-Acquire Drive-Away Land VSAT antenna available. Traditional vehicle mounted ‘Comms-On-The-Pause’ VSAT antennas can lose connection to the satellite with even the slightest movement of the vehicle on its suspension or caused by high winds. By utilizing the unique ‘Dynamic Pointing Correction’ system, the EXPLORER 8100 will provide continuous connectivity services even if the vehicle rocks. Using lessons learned from Cobham SATCOM’s maritime stabilized VSAT antennas, the EXPLORER 8100 offers increased reliability and performance.

The EXPLORER 8100 features built-in Wi-Fi for easy access to the terminal. Once connected, the EXPLORER 8100 provides high performance, continuous connectivity in the field, high definition video streaming support, high throughput data transfer as well as tactical and emergency communication.

Cobham controller and X7 modem ships pre-configured to support the IP Access SELECT Network, allowing EXPLORER 8100 customers to take part in a network that offers high performance and end-to-end networking for voice, video and data services.

“From public safety to industrial field communications, we are pleased to see our customers adopt the Explorer series antennas. Coupled with an X7 iDirect Modem and an 8W BUC, customers who deploy the Explorer 8100 are experiencing up to 20 X 5 Mbps on the IP Access SELECT Network” – Michael Weaver | Senior Director – Public Safety & Emergency Preparedness

System Features:

  • Reliable 1.0m Auto-Acquire Drive-Away Antenna
  • Single Piece 1.0m Offset Feed Carbon Fiber Reflector
  • Built-in Wifi and a Web-based User Interface for easy PC and Smartphone Configuration
  • Dynamic Pointing Correction and inclined orbit satellite tracking
  • Swappable feed system enables switching between KA-SAT, Ku-band and GX with optional conversion kits
  • Harmonic Drive Gear systems
  • Available in an 8W BUC, 20W BUC, and a no BUC option
  • Advanced Blocking Zone Functionality


EXPLORER 8100 Spec Sheet
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Contact IP Access directly at 949-655-1000 or e-mail us at for additional information regarding the EXPLORER 8100.